What to Expect When You Visit with Us!
Visiting a new Church can sometimes be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be!
The address of Grace Lutheran Church is 240 Mastic Rd, Mastic Beach, NY.
Our Sunday service times are 7:45am and 9:15am.
When you first arrive at Grace Lutheran Church, come through the entrances on Lincoln Avenue. There is a large lot for parking. Handicap Parking is closest to the Church building.

When you enter the building, there will be greeters to welcome you to our church! The entrance into our place of worship (the Sanctuary) will be on your left. Restrooms will be to your right.
Upon entering the Sanctuary, you will be given a church bulletin which contains the order for our worship as well as the announcements for future events at Grace Lutheran Church.
Before we begin our worship, choose a seat and join in conversation with those around you!
When our Pastor enters the Sanctuary and bows at the altar, that marks the beginning of our worship together. The Pastor will briefly review some of the announcements for the day and then we will praise the Lord together with our opening song or hymn.
Music at the 7:45 service is traditional, primarily using the organ. The early service tends to be more intimate and personal. Music at the 9:15 service is contemporary, led by one of our talented praise bands. The later service tends to be more lively and filled with energy.

Lutheran worship follows a specific structure. We call this an “order of worship” or “liturgy.” We believe it is important for all participants of worship to be involved and to understand what is going on. After all, Paul himself says that all practices of the church should be done in good order (1 Corinthians 14:40) and we believe this includes our worship.
Our Sunday morning worship services can vary slightly from week to week; however, there are chief parts that are always included in each service.
At every Sunday Service, we begin by confessing our sins together and receiving the gift of forgiveness from our God. Jesus promises to forgive all those confess their sins and repent of them (1 John 1:9). For more about Confession and Absolution, click here.
We pray earnestly at every service using our own words and the Lord’s words, knowing that God promises to hear us (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 18:1-8).
We publicly read God’s Word, so that we might be instructed and strengthened in hope.
We confess together our faith in unity using the words of the Apostle’s Creed or Nicene Creed, which the early church fathers created to describe our God as He describes Himself in His Word. Paul affirms the importance of being unified in our faith and practice in these words: “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of mind (Philippians 2:2).
And finally, at the conclusion of our service, we receive one more gift of forgiveness in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
At Grace Lutheran Church, we believe that the Lord’s Supper is the one place on earth that we can physically touch Jesus. In this sacrament, we eat Jesus’ physical Body and drink His Blood for the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26:26-28).
Because of the magnitude of this miracle, we believe that it is especially important for those who commune to be truly repentant and unified in faith before receiving the Supper. If you are a visitor, please speak to our pastor before communing. You may also cross your arms over your chest at the altar and receive a blessing of grace. For more information about our beliefs on Communion, click here.

At the conclusion of our service, join us in the Narthex for a time of coffee and fellowship! We are so excited to see you!