We are Christian.
- The Bible is a collection of inerrant documents of divine origin. It completely forms and shapes our theology. It is the first and last word in instructing us what to believe and how to live.
- We believe in the Triune God: God the Father, who created all things; God the Son, who saved us by His blood; and God the Holy Spirit, who creates saving faith in our hearts.
- We believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God. He was not created but was present with the Father from the beginning. He did miracles, really died, and rose again three days later.
- We believe that those who believe in Jesus will likewise rise from the dead when He returns on the Last Day.

We are “justified by faith alone.”
- We believe that all people are sinners. We have all been born into an imperfect world. We have all disobeyed the commands God gives us in the Bible. By our own deeds, we all deserve eternal separation from our perfect God.
- We believe that our relationship with God is restored not by our own strength, our piety, or our good deeds. Instead, we are made righteous or “justified” by faith in Christ alone (Romans 3:21-26).
- In the end, we cannot contribute to our own salvation in any possible way. Our salvation from Jesus is a completely undeserved gift (Ephesians 2:8-9). Even the faith we have to believe in Him is a gift (1 Corinthians 12:3, Colossians 2:6-7). For we do not create faith in our own hearts but rather we receive it from God the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)!
- However, we do not reject the crucial importance of doing good deeds and following God’s commandments. While we do not believe the deeds we do save us, we do believe that good works are a necessary result of the saving faith we have been given (James 2:14-18). Lutherans call this a “new obedience.”
We are sacramental.
- A “sacrament” is a rite that is commanded by God which gives us forgiveness. These rites are gifts created by Jesus.
- Lutherans call sacraments “means of grace” for they are the real and tangible means by which God’s grace is given to us.
- There are three sacraments that are described in the Bible: Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Confession and Absolution.
- In Confession and Absolution, Christ gives His followers the authority to forgive or “absolve” sins in His name (John 20:22-23).

We believe Baptism saves.
- Baptism gives forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38).
- Baptism, through faith, saves (1 Peter 3:21, Romans 6:3-4).
- The act of baptism itself, without faith, does not save (Mark 16:16).
- We baptize infants because the Bible confirms that even they can have saving faith in Jesus (Luke 1:39-44, Luke 1:15, Matthew 18:2-4).
- We believe all disciples of Jesus will be baptized (Matthew 28:19).
- We believe only one baptism is necessary (Ephesians 4:5). For more about Baptism, click here.
We believe in the Real Presence.
- The Lord’s Supper gives forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28).
- We believe the Lord’s Supper is not symbolic. The Body and Blood of Jesus are truly and physically present “in, with, and under” the bread and the wine. Lutherans do not attempt to explain this miracle with logic or reasoning (we do not believe in transubstantiation or consubstantiation). Instead, we simply take Jesus’ words at face value: “This is my Body, this is my Blood.” Lutherans are delighted to call this sacrament “a mystery.”
- Unbelievers or those who do not repent of their sins can take the Lord’s Supper to their detriment (1 Corinthians 11:27-29). For more about the Lord’s Supper, click here.

We are confessional.
- Our church is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS).
- We are confessional, along with other churches in the LCMS. This means that they subscribe to the same beliefs as Grace Lutheran Church. These beliefs are explained in further detail in the Lutheran Confessions. Click here to read more about our beliefs.